Corpse Husband Is Taking Over the Internet [Content Made Simple]
Issue #211: Who is Corpse? Also, what's the big deal with Clubhouse?
The reclusive creator is now one of the most recognizable figures online
“Corpse Husband” is an enigma. He never shows his face and he never leaves the house.
But despite being somewhat of a mystery, Corpse Husband has still become a social media sensation. How did he rise to his current level of fame? Enter TikTok and Among Us.
Corpse Husband (real name unknown) has long been recognized for his deep, aching voice. He’s a YouTuber who started his career five years ago by reading “real life horror stories” full of anecdotes of peoples’ run-ins with criminals, creepy dates, and more. The videos did relatively well. Today these videos hover between 876 thousand and 2.2 million views, but still largely appeal to a niche audience.
This has been such a fascinating phenomenon to watch. There is a growing popularity around content creators who hide their identities. It creates a sort of intrigue and mystique. A number of creators who hide their identity have made a big show out of teasing “face reveals” only to not do so. Anyway, this is an interesting article about Corpse Husband, a mysterious creator who capitalizes on the emo/goth vibes that undergird so much of creator and internet culture.
No pod this week!
Link #1: You Believe You Are the Center of Your Universe
Something I wrote last Friday.
Social media perpetuates the idea that we are the main character in our own story. It allows us to take our personal movie to market and share it with the world. It’s no fun being the star of your own movie if no one else can experience it. But now, with the innovation of social media, we can take our performance on the road and show everyone that we are the stars of our own lives.
The Christian implications of this phenomenon are many. Perhaps we are best off seeing ourselves as supporting actors or even extras in God’s story at which Jesus Christ is the star. I don’t know what the right metaphorical parallels are here, but I think it’s safe to say that God is much closer to being the star of the human experience than you and I are.
Link #2: Facebook’s New Rapping App
This is interesting!
Facebook is releasing an app that will let users post and share videos of them rapping over beats, which are provided by the app (via TechCrunch).
The app is called Bars, and its main selling point is it provides the beats and lets you create 60-second rap videos over them. According to TechCrunch, you can then post the video to a TikTok-style feed, where people can watch it and mark it as “fire” (that is, of course, if your skills are up to par). The app also promises “studio quality vocal effects,” including actual, honest-to-goodness AutoTune. I hope there’s a slider that goes from “making my voice passable” to “T-Pain.”
Link #3: Can Clubhouse Move Fast Without Breaking Things?
Really good writeup from Kevin Roose on the allure and possible problems with Clubhouse.
I’ve been spending a lot of time on Clubhouse recently, and the parallels to the early, hypergrowth days of those earlier-generation social networks are uncanny. The 11-month-old app’s popularity — it has more than 10 million users, and invitations are selling for up to $125 on eBay — has set off a mad dash among investors, who have valued the company at $1 billion. Celebrities including Elon Musk, Oprah Winfrey and Joe Rogan have shown up in Clubhouse rooms, adding to the buzz. And the app is spawning competition from Twitter and Facebook, which are experimenting with similar products.
Every successful social network has a life cycle that goes something like: Wow, this app sure is addictive! Look at all the funny and exciting ways people are using it! Oh, look, I can get my news and political commentary here, too! This is going to empower dissidents, promote free speech and topple authoritarian regimes! Hmm, why are trolls and racists getting millions of followers? And where did all these conspiracy theories come from? This platform should really hire some moderators and fix its algorithms. Wow, this place is a cesspool, I’m deleting my account.
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