My 3rd child said ma-ma first as most children do, yet once she said da-da she refused to say ma-ma. "Say ma-ma," we would say. "Da!" "Say ma-ma-ma." "Da-da." Once day when she was around a year old, she was crawling around the nursery as I was doing something at the changing table. I suddenly realized she was babbling, "Ma-ma-ma-ma." We looked at each other and she stopped. I scooped her up and nursed her. When she was done, she popped herself off my breast, looked me straight in the eye, and declared "Da!" What a little tease, I thought. At such a young age! Well, she continued to be a tease, our most fun child, and a true daddy's girl. She is now 27 and married to a young man very much like her father in many ways. I have 2 girls and they are as different as night and day.
My 3rd child said ma-ma first as most children do, yet once she said da-da she refused to say ma-ma. "Say ma-ma," we would say. "Da!" "Say ma-ma-ma." "Da-da." Once day when she was around a year old, she was crawling around the nursery as I was doing something at the changing table. I suddenly realized she was babbling, "Ma-ma-ma-ma." We looked at each other and she stopped. I scooped her up and nursed her. When she was done, she popped herself off my breast, looked me straight in the eye, and declared "Da!" What a little tease, I thought. At such a young age! Well, she continued to be a tease, our most fun child, and a true daddy's girl. She is now 27 and married to a young man very much like her father in many ways. I have 2 girls and they are as different as night and day.
awww, thank you for sharing! that's great.