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I love how optimistic* you are about Twitter. And I don't say that tongue-in-cheek. I just can't find it in me to spend anytime on there until the entire website is completely overhauled. Even if you create an anonymous account, I've never found any "subset" of the Twittersphere to not fall into the outrage and performative cycles you're rightfully pointing out. This is not to say there are no benefits to social media, but rather, with the state of everything now, I just have to ask why we keep trying to justify our time on there is all? But again. If you're able to do it, that's great! I just look at all of the people complaining about how bad it is, people who are quite clearly not emotionally/spiritually healthy but spend so much time on there... And think, "The answer is pretty clear."

* I don't like the phrase optimistic, but I can't really find an alternative at the moment.

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